The Wonders of 44

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This my friends, is a labour of love.

Now - I am not talking about the wonderful thing a woman goes through after a man has blessed her with child!  No ... that is not the labour of love that I am talking about. :))

I am talking about the joy of being retired and having the time, flexibility and skills to do something that pleases your heart but contributes nothing to your pocket book.

This page will be the gateway to the many wonders I have discovered along Highway 44 and it's offshoots. It will take a bit of time - but I will get there :))

Here is a preliminary sample of the wonders we will be adding :))

  • The Harvest Moon Cafe in Garson Manitoba.
  • The Alfred Hole Goose Sanctuary and Interpretive Center
  • The Whiteshell Trappers Museum
  • Skinners in Lockport
  • The Spicy Radish in Whitemouth
  • The Nite Hawk Cafe in Westhawk Lake
  • The Whiteshell Colony
  • The Old Pinawa Dam
  • The Whiteshell Fish Hatchery
  • The Pinawa Dam
  • The Cook's Creek Heritage Museum