My name is Bill and I am a recent import to Whitemouth.
I love it here and this web site is my way of getting to know the
village and meet some of the people.
I have created a map and added all of the businesses I could find. The
next step is to add mini profiles for the entries on the map.
This is free of charge. I will be a happy camper if it generates some
hits to my main site - Net
Profiles Inc.
It is also totally voluntary. I will check with each location before
adding any information to your profile. I will remove any reference if
you do not want to be included.
You are welcome to link to this site
from your web site if you want.
The site is a work in progress and will be for some time. I hope to be
sending introduction sheets around to potential members by mid November.
Activities, Bulletins, and pictures will be added as I receive them
and have time to post them.
Feel free to
contact me any time with
questions and/or suggestions.